We're back from another great trip. This one was very relaxing, since we just puttered around Wisconsin in the bus for the week. I feel so lucky to live in this state, we have so much to see!
We started out our trip on one of the best sites at Brunet Island. Thankfully, the mosquitoes weren't bad and we could spend our time focusing on the important things- fishing & reading like a bunch of bums.
Steve catches a Tree-Shaker! Meanwhile, on the other side of camp, Jenny identifies wildflowers.
At Copper Falls, we took time for fishing and hiking. If you are ever in the area of Mellen (which I don't suppose you will be just by accident, since it is in the middle-of-nowhere up north) you should make a point to stop in and check out the water falls. The Doughboy hike is pretty easy, and you'll be surprised by what you see along the way.
You betchya- those are some big waterfalls right here in Wisconsin!
Our "real" destination on the way was Madeline Island, just off shore from Bayfield. Madeline is the largest of the Apostle Islands and has a long sandy beach (with VERY COLD water) and nice sand-dune boardwalk. This park also has a few great hiking trails to check out the rock formations, in case you don't have a kayak to paddle up near them. After Arches in Utah, the Apostle Islands have the largest gathering of unique formations like sea caves & arches right along the shore line.
Check out that clear water & the cool formations
Not only did we get to see a lot of interesting places along the way, we ate really well too! I can not say enough about how great Dutch Ovens are for camping. Not only are they easy to use, the are also really, really,
really easy to clean up. I am all for not doing dishes when I'm out camping.
mmmm.... Chicken Pot Pie!
We tried a bunch of new recipes this trip and I can't wait until we get out camping again to try some more. I'll follow up with some of my favorites later! -Jen
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